
Being a princess

I told you before about the dress I made for M. Now it's L's turn. She will for sure love to be a five-year-old princess (or lady, or wherever her fantasy will lead her). One thing about L's dress: it had to be blue! So, on an afternoon before Christmas Erika and I sat down together to sew dresses for our daughters. Thanks so much, Erika, you gave me some fruitful sewing lessons!
This week I did some handsewing: for the flower I used this sunny tutorial of genius Mme Zsazsa. And made a simple and matching necklace. Not to be forgotten! And quickly done with organza ribbon.


  1. So beautiful dress !!! and...happy new year ! Samantha

  2. what a beautiful princess dress! what a lucky girl your daughter is :)

    Happy New Year!

  3. Wat een prachtige jurk, ongelofelijk mooi!
    Puur toevallig kom ik via via bij deze mooie blog uit en vind het prachtig wat je maakt!
    Heel goed 2011 toegewenst!

  4. Happy newyear! Dat het een jaar vol liefde, gezondheid en creativiteit mag worden!

  5. I had to catch up on several posts. My, you've been busy creating beautiful things. sigh...
