
Coat preview

Last weekend we went by train to Petra and M persisted in wearing her not yet finished coat. I only had basted the zipper; the border and collar were not yet sewn, plus the lining was missing. But she was happy to wear it.
Last Monday she left for school in her new coat and every day after she came home with enthusiastic words about her coat. She is such a grateful daughter to make something for!
This weekend the hood was finally finished. It took me quite some time to fix all press fasteners! Sadly we had no opportunity yet to make good pictures. For today this one, that will be followed by more (and better) next time.


erika said...

wow, wat is ie mooi en zoveel details! M boft maar met zo'n lieve mama ;-)

vervlogen dagen said...

Deze foto is wel heel stoer, maar doet de jas niet genoeg recht! Die capuchon heb je wel heel knap gedaan.

Ik vond het zo grappig dat ze hem al aan wou, ook al moest de voering er nog in.

Zoë said...

The coat looks really good! :)

Unknown said...

Great Photography! Battery Led Picture Light

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